As we've established here on JABoutside, JSonline is a great source of Brewers news and fan folly. This post concerns a little from column A and a little from column B. JS’s Don Walker addressed Bud Selig’s new “Commissioner's Fan Initiative” in his blog today. The initiative, a collection of all ticket discounts offered by MLB clubs, has been implemented to help fans in these tough economic times.

Wow, Bud you’re so wise. You’re so considerate to the fans…always, always thinking about the little guy. I’m so glad you’re our fearless leader in such hard times. So what if you let ticket prices inflate like 'Lil Wayne’s ego. So what if your watchful eye missed that darn steroid era. And who cares if you threaten to contract teams…you’re showing us where to buy cheaper tickets!! Wait…these discounts already exist? You’re just putting them on your website? Oh—well --- that’s okay. At least you didn’t lie to Congress. You did?! Damnit Selig, where did you get this “Bud” name anyway?
Despite Bud’s douche-ness, the fact remains that discounted tickets are easier to find. Gone are the days when 15 year olds had to barter with FUBU clad scalpers just to watch Lou Collier strike out 3 times a game. Such is the price to pay for post-season baseball I suppose. (Sigh) At least the memories of Devon White and John Vander Wal came at a low price.
I am most pleased that DeWayne Carter is tagged in this post thrice.