Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday? No Such Thing

First off, I would like to extend a hearty thank you to all those who sent their birthday wishes this weekend. The cards and money were graciously accepted, but that stripper “singing” along to Best of Both Worlds was a little much. Hannah Montana deserves better, even if I don’t.
I would also like to thank Doug Melvin for his belated birthday present. According to flip - flopping Star Magazine style blogs from Tom Haudricourt, Doug is drafting a contract with Brandon Looper’s stupid name on it. According to the blog, Looper’s price has plummeted since Christmas and justifiably so; he is 24-26 with a 4.52 ERA in 63 starts as a starting pitcher. Whatever. If he signs, he signs. I’ll root for him all the way. As Puddy would say, gotta support the team.

What’s the deal with Ben Sheets? Talk about depressing. No not, the fact that he somehow finagled a guaranteed major league contract only to have it guillotined away from him. I’m talking about the presumed end to his minority ownership of the Milwaukee Admirals. No, I have no idea what the Admirals record is right now. Nor do I know the majority owner of the Admirals, but I think it’s safe to assume Ben Sheets is the Bill Veeck (as in wreck) of the American Hockey Association. Only his brilliance could have envisioned the glory that was January 4, 2008. This epic evening featured the most intense rivalry in the AHL (Admirals vs. hated rival Chicago Wolves), an on-ice Goo Goo Dolls Concert, and an intricately decorated Rich Peverly bobblehead.

“It was the greatest concert music has ever produced” Milwaukee’s own Wudley Dilliams.

Consider this my thank you letter Ben. Even if your dedication and enthusiasm to the Admirals far out-shined your devotion to your baseball employer, you gave me the greatest bobblehead I own...even better than the one with your face on it.

Chuckie Oliver

p.s. Spring Training in 4 days = Baseball analysis soon. thanks for tuning in

UPDATE 1:21am 2/10/09 --- Since my previous post Mr. Looper has moved exponentially closer to joining the Brewers' starting rotation. Reading some of the rumored details of the deal, it appears as if we're only tied to Braden for 1 year = Awesome. I was totally against a Suppan-esque $40 million/4 year contract, but this beauty Melvin's got in the mix is wonderful. Rick Reilly is lame.


  1. If you took this post and added in A) a little league reference, B)a quote from a dying child, and C) a witticism about fatherhood, it would be indistinguishable from most every sentimental Rick Reilly article.

  2. Also, long live Rich Peverly.

  3. D) an anecdote about a child with any incurable disease or developmental disorder that is a JV basketball manager who gets to come off the bench in his final game to sink a free throw

  4. Braden(sic). I'm sure you're not the first or last who will make that error.

  5. I would like to issue a statement apologizing for my spelling error.I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment. I'm 22 years old and despite the successes I've had in the blog, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public it will not happen again.

  6. Also, a Youtube search for the Goo Goo Dolls on Ice concert brings up far too many clips relative to the amount of people in attendance. I think everyone there posted a video.


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